The companies comprised in the Consortium harmonize their combined efforts according to the distribution of commercial rights principle called
2 – Purpose of the USD System International Editions Consortium
The USD System Consortium is an international Editors organization that distributes a omnibus of literary and artistic products
specifically intended for Authors of novel concepts, industrial or not, patentable or unpatentable, under the name Intellectual Passport (CB or
Its Mission: Democratize Access to Intellectual Property!
3 – Operations of the USD System International Editions Consortium
In order to complete clients’ volumes, Certified Consultants and their Agents handle the completion and assessment of creators'
files using the original USD system called, C.I.V.D. (Conventional Identification and Valuation Dossier) - Identification of a creation to its author and Valuation of his
Role of a legal entity, holder of a USD.3 license: As an edition and distribution company, each USD.3 holds exclusive commercial rights on its
respective contractual territory (national or international). It recruits, supervises and manages its consultants on behalf of the non-profit organization USD Club International, of
which it is an active member.